Croquet New South Wales is the State organisation responsible for the sport of croquet in New South Wales and the ACT. 

Vision: A thriving sport accessible to all.

ABN: 95174213987

Croquet NSW (CNSW) is an incorporated body with primary objectives to conduct, encourage, promote, advance and administer the sport of croquet throughout NSW and at all times act on behalf of and in the interest of its Members and the sport in NSW. 

CNSW operates under a Constitution which allows membership through an affiliated croquet club. Currently there are approximately seventy clubs across NSW & the ACT and more than 3000 members. The Constitution allows the formation of Committees to assist in the running of CNSW and it requires CNSW to have a range of Policies and Procedures that are reviewed and updated regularly. 

The business and future direction of CNSW is managed by a duly elected Board of Directors Three of the Directors fill the roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. 

Find your local Club to join, and your fees cover affiliation with Croquet NSW.

New Clubs are welcome to apply to join Croquet NSW by filling out this Application Form.