The National Integrity Framework is a set of rules designed to provide a safe and fair environment for croquet players, Check out our updated information page.
Sign up for RevSport training session by midnight Wednesday 21 August! RevSport in conjunction with CNSW is holding an online training session using MS Teams on Thursday 22nd August from 2pm to 4pm . All Club Administrators are invited to attend. It will include an introduction for all clubs who want to access their member, club and events data, and the last hour will be focussed on clubs who have opted to have a club portal. Register via Events.
Croquet NSW (CNSW) has received feedback that over 80% of NSW croquet clubs are interested in
growing their membership. This Guide has been prepared by CNSW as a resource to assist these
clubs, especially during 2024 and 2025. It is expected that the Guide will need to be updated to
take account of CNSW marketing initiatives, the changing environment and feedback from clubs
using the Guide
Croquet NSW (CNSW) and Cooks River Croquet Club (CRCC) have submitted a joint licence
proposal for Lot 71, MacKey Park at Marrickville to the Inner West Council.
A reminder regarding the new ATO Annual Reporting requirements for sporting associations that will be due in October. ATO Fact Sheet on Not For Profit Self Review and a link to a Clearing House for Sport Seminar.
An information session with RevSport will be held for interested Clubs July 18, via Microsoft Teams. All Clubs interested in attending are invited to RSVP to the Event invitation on the website by midnight 12 July. There is no obligation to sign up; the session will be recorded for those who wish to access it at a later date.
Anne Clifton (Queanbeyan) has won the NSW GC Handicap Singles contest from Robyn Sim (Jamberoo). The Advantage handicap contest was played at Southern Highlands Croquet Club, June 28 -30.
Rob Ey and Ian Donald win the NSW GC Handicap Doubles played at Southern Highlands Croquet Club, Exeter, June 28 - 30. The competition was contested between 8 doubles pairings, playing the Advantage variation of handicap play. the winners are from Canberra Croquet Club, with the runners-up Margaret Gerbich and Cheryl Bennett from Queanbeyan.
Jamie Gumbrell has had a resounding victory in the ACA Bronze Medal (NSW) winning all 7 b-o-3 matches, dropping only one game, and with a whopping 55 net hoops.
Elizabeth Friend (Nelson Bay) and Lance Howes (Marrickville) win the CNSW Division 2 golf championship at Manly.
In the final played in wet and windy conditions Elizabeth Friend and Lance Howes defeated Penny Paterson and David Adams (Mosman) 3/7 7/6/ 7/5
The Office of the Children’s Guardian have provided a range of resources to help promote Working with Children Week. You might also like to sign up for the Working with Children Check webinar on 18 June.